New Zinc Research Suggests Major Therapeutic Targets

Everyone knows that vitamins and minerals "from A to Zinc" are important for good health...

Now, a new research study in the August 2009 issue of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology suggests that Zinc may be pointing the way to new therapeutic targets for fighting infections.

Specifically, scientists from Florida found that Zinc not only supports healthy immune function, but increases activation of the cells (T cells) responsible for destroying viruses and bacteria.

"Previous studies have shown that Zinc supplementation significantly reduces the duration and severity of childhood diarrhea, lower respiratory infections, and incidence of malaria in Zinc-deficient children," noted the director of the Center for Nutritional Sciences within the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department at the University of Florida.

Age-related declines in immune function have also been related to zinc deficiency in the elderly.

Scientists administered either a zinc supplement or a placebo to healthy volunteers to assess the effects of Zinc on T cell activation. After isolating the T cells from the blood, scientists then simulated infection in laboratory conditions. Results showed that T cells taken from the Zinc-supplemented group had higher activation than those from the placebo group. Specifically, cell activation stimulated the Zinc transporter in T cells (called ZIP8) which transports stored Zinc into the cell cytoplasm where it then alters the expression of a T cell protein in a way needed to fight infections.

Studies such as this help shed light on how Zinc may enhance the ability of our immune systems to fight off foreign invaders. This research also points toward new possible targets for entirely new drugs to help augment immune function and prevent or stop infections that might be resistant to traditional antibiotics.

Journal Reference: Zinc transporter ZIP8 (SLC39A8) and zinc influence IFN-expression in activated human T cells. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2009


Chelated Zinc

From Zinc Gluconate Supplies 50 mg of Essential Zinc (Elemental) Per Tablet

Zinc is present in nearly all body tissues, especially in the thyroid, pancreas and reproductive organs. This essential mineral is involved in the body's ability to fight infections as well as being required for the proper functioning of enzymes, protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism.

Because Zinc is essential to healthy cell formation, it is needed for effective healing and helping maintain the tissues throughout the body.

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